27 Settembre 2024

Decaffeinated Coffee: How it is prepared

Coffee Pods and Capsules, Coffee Tips
written by utente sconosciuto on 09-11-2021 11:24
Decaffeinated coffee

Appreciated by those who seek coffee aromas and flavors but do not want to feel the effects of caffeine, or by those who cannot take it for health reasons, decaffeinated coffee by law contains less than 1% of psychoactive substance.

Over time, decaffeination techniques have refined. Today the product, from an organoleptic point of view, holds up the comparison with non-decaffeinated coffee.

Decaffeination involves a slight increase in acidity and a decrease in body, as a consequence of the removal of waxes and lipids present on the surface of the bean. On the other hand, the dissolving of the waxes makes the coffee more digestible.

The methods of decaffeination

The production of decaffeinated coffee takes place through industrial processes

practiced with different substances: water and activated carbon, carbon dioxide

supercritical, ethyl acetate and methylene chloride, used in particular conditions of temperature and pressure, in order to reduce the alkaloid content to the amount of 0.1% according to the European regulations in force.

The most common methods involve decaffeination with water or with supercritical carbon dioxide, which is more expensive. The first involves numerous immersions of the green coffee beans in tanks full of water and equipped with activated carbon filters. The result is a light but significantly depleted coffee.

The second technique, considered the best, involves the use of carbon dioxide in the supercritical phase. When brought to a liquid state and subjected to a pressure of 73 atmospheres at a temperature of 31 ° C, it extracts considerable quantities of caffeine from the bean, respecting the organoleptic complex of the coffee and avoiding the need to use organic solvents.

What is the quality of decaffeinated coffee?

Decaffeinated coffee has long been thought to be a poor quality coffee. The roasters, thinking that the process altered the taste, subjected second-choice blends to the extraction of caffeine.

In fact, they considered it a waste to decaffeinate quality origins. In practice, however, a good coffee remains good and some varieties of lesser value gain value precisely due to the removal of the alkaloid, which is very bitter to the taste.

On our store, you have the possibility to choose between different blends and brands if you prefer to enjoy a coffee with a delicious aroma.

Check out the varieties here.

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